Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Eventually, enough is enough

I'm tired of FaceBook trying to micromanage my profile.  I'm done.  This morning FB removed my Red G Mama logo from my profile picture spot, and left a message telling me all my other friends had their "faces" in their profiles and that I should, too.  Hello?  If FB had looked they would see a huge picture of my face in my banner, lookin' at'coo!  I just changed that to something else.  Feel free to click on my FB profile.  I believe there's a link on the left side of this blog.  I believe the issue at hand is that FB has made that little spot where they want you to put your face as "public" space, thus they want your face there, nothing else.  I uploaded my logo to the profile picture spot, and bingo, it showed up.  Less than 30 minutes later, it was gone, again.  I waited for a few hours, bitched about it in a FB post, and uploaded my logo in the profile picture spot again, and bingo again, it showed up.  We'll see how long it stays this time.

Meanwhile, I'm deleting as many personal FB posts and pictures as I can every day, other than those that relate to Just Lavendar, Friday Night Blues, Breakfast with the Blues, or Red G Designs, my Etsy store.  If you want personal stuff, you'll have to find it here or contact me personally.  My blog is public.  Here I say what I want and post pictures of what I want, with nobody censoring me.  So, I will be a regular blogger, rather than the occasional blogger I have been in the past.  Follow me here, just check the box over there in the right column, and you can stay in touch.  You can comment on anything I blog here, too.

I encourage you to manage your own way of communicating, rather than allowing a faceless, I say that with irreverent emphasis, entity, such as FACEbook, to dictate what you say, where you decide to upload your pictures or graphics, etc.  I'll promote my little ventures there and that's all.  I'll like your posts and pictures, perhaps comment on them occasionally, but I'm done with being managed by FaceCrack's agenda.  Yah, I'm a bit peeved.

On another subject, I think the hotter weather is wreaking havoc with my body.  I thought warm dry weather was supposed to be easier on our arthritic joints?  I'm not so sure at this point.  Maybe it's the fibro, I don't know.  I've been using Thrive products for about a month, and I've found it helps manage how I feel in several ways, but with this heat, I'm miserable.  I have a little window a/c here by my desk, but my body is not happy, no matter what right now.  I'll hang in there, drink as much water as I can remember to drink, and throw in a late night walk (after the heat dies down) as often as I can.  Seriously thinking of playing hooky from market this week if the heat is here again.  When it gets over 90 degrees, I hurt.

I'd love to share a few days sample of Thrive with you.  Let me know if you'd like to try it.  You can learn more about it at my website. If you'd like full access to my site, just let me know which email address you'd prefer, and I'll send you login credentials.

 I'll be blogging here fairly often.  I talk about all kinds of things and you're more than welcome to chime in, follow my blog, or share it.

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